There are few things more luxurious than a plush feather duvet. It makes it easy to switch up your decor look between seasons or whenever the mood strikes you.

As easy as a feather duvet can make your life from an interior design standpoint, it can be a pain to handle if it gets dirty. Feathers can be a tricky material to clean, and since feather duvet inserts can sometimes be an investment, finding the right way to clean one without damaging it can be intimidating.

Luckily there are many options for washing a feather duvet. Follow our guide below to learn how to wash a feather duvet, depending on which size or type you have.

Can a feather duvet be washed at home?

Yes, you can! Feather duvets have an intimidating reputation when it comes to washing, and you’ve likely heard horror stories from friends or family members about their misfortunes with washing a feather duvet.

You can avoid many of these if you learn how to wash a feather duvet correctly. Those who have tried to wash a feather duvet at home and came away with a ruined duvet most likely didn’t have an appropriately sized washing machine for the task.

How to clean a feather duvet

There are few more considerations to keep in mind when it comes to learning how to clean a feather duvet from the comfort of your own home. Firstly, how you clean a feather duvet depends mainly on the condition of the duvet. 

The duvet can be washed thoroughly in a washing machine, spot-cleaned in case of smaller messes, and even treated for stain removal if necessary.

How to wash a feather duvet

As with high-quality pieces of clothing, always check the label on duvets. It’s essential to make this your first step as some feather duvets are dry clean only.

If your feather duvet’s tag mentions dry cleaning, then it’s best to leave the job to the professionals. However, if the label instructs that it is safe to wash at home, check the capacity of your washing machine. Your next step will vary depending on the duvet size and your machine.

An average washing machine will accommodate smaller feather duvet inserts with ease. If you have a queen size feather or king size feather duvet, consider having it cleaned professionally.  

Washing machines are likely to be too small for larger duvet sizes. As feather inserts get very heavy when wet, it can be difficult for a washing machine to handle them properly. 

If your duvet is a smaller size, the next step is to make sure it’s in good condition. Duvets with small rips or tears aren’t likely to survive the washing cycle in a machine. If you find some rips, sew them up securely before moving on.

Even if your duvet is in good condition, set your washing machine to a gentle cycle to prevent any damage. Be sure to only use as much detergent as you would for a regular bedding cycle, and use warm water.

Once the initial rinse cycle ends, reset the machine to run through one more rinse before the spin cycle. This ensures your fluffy duvet doesn’t retain any soapy water which could lead to skin irritation later. 

How to dry a feather duvet

Once your feather duvet has run through its washing cycle, it’s time to move on to the drying stage. Your duvet is likely to be extremely heavy when wet, so be careful when removing it from the washing machine.

Be aware that the feathers inside your duvet become darker when wet, so if your duvet looks discoloured or even malformed, don’t worry. As the duvet dries, the feathers will redistribute themselves and return to their normal colour.

Make sure your dryer has the correct capacity for handling your feather duvet. A dryer is preferable to line drying. Since your duvet is rather bulky, it’s susceptible to mould or mildew if left outside for its entire drying process.

If your dryer is too small to fit your duvet comfortably, then check with local laundromats, which are highly likely to have industrial dryers large enough for a good fit.

However, if your dryer is the right size, run it on a cycle with a comfortable, warm temperature until totally dry. If you prefer to line dry, dry partially in the dryer first and then hang your duvet outside. This cuts down on outdoor drying time and preserves the freshness of the newly laundered fabric.

How to remove stains from feather duvets

If your feather duvet has a small area of staining or a small spot, learn how to remove a stain from a duvet to avoid washing the entire duvet. Although you should wash a duvet about once a year for freshness, spot-treating in between is a great way to keep the fabric clean without wearing it out.

Depending on the type of stain, you can select a treatment product made especially for it. For greasy stains, choose an oil or grease remover. Dampen the area that needs treating, apply the cleaning product or a tiny bit of laundry detergent, and gently rub it into the area.

Once it begins to foam, let it sit overnight to be sure the stain is removed before wetting the small area to “rinse” the product out and then let it dry.

Further advice and guidance

Even though washing a feather duvet isn’t always enjoyable, there are few things better than enjoying a refreshing night of sleep under a freshly cleaned duvet. Read our how to wash feather pillows guide to finish your bedding cleaning routine.

At Sleepseeker, we have a range of duvets and pillows available to choose from if you decide washing your feather duvet isn’t for you. 

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